Candidates with attitude at high demand

So, we have a job post! Is it enough to find the right candidate? No!  

There are many other things that employers look for when looking for new colleagues. We will enumerate some of the most important qualities that an employee must hold and develop to become a valuable partner or to succeed in impressing on an interview.

Some of the most important aspects that employers pursue are seriousness, sincerity and motivation.


Do not just expect to receive tasks, but come with your own ideas, show projects that you have outlined and which you think would add value to the company’s business.

Taking responsibility

Assume your responsibility for both successes and failures. Demonstrate that you are permanently responsible, that you do not run away from mistakes and do everything you can to remedy them.

Ability to adapt to new situations, the desire to learn on their own and the ability to learn continuously are elements that should not be ignored by any individual who wants to fall apart.

Be ready!

People who are well-trained, determined, creative, and constant in achieving the objectives set are those who will gain in employment interviews.


It is one of the most important abilities of a person and it is practically the foundation of the career and its success. In simple terms, competence means accomplishing the goal you have. Knowing how to set priorities, differentiating between relevant and irrelevant tasks, and managing to focus on what is important to finalize the project. Atitudinea “can-do-it” creaza intotdeauna o impresie pozitiva.

Respect deadlines

It’s not enough to do a good job. It is imperative to deliver it within the set deadline.

Develop your networking

A person with a rich contact network generates business opportunities. This can only bring benefits to both your employer and you. 

Ability to interact with others

Effective communication, good manners, empathy towards colleagues are elements that should not be lacking in a collective. If every employee respects and promotes this type of attitude, surely the results will be the best.


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