Ways to motivate employees

Employee motivation may be a difficult task with so many theories and techniques, but we must not forget that there are simple ways to loyalty and motivate our employees. Not all people are motivated by financial rewards, so it is important to make sure that we put all the resources we have available to fight to keep the team together.

You have to keep in mind that the people in your team have strong points but also weak points. You must communicate constantly with them to understand and know them. It does not just require fixed procedures!  It could lead both to capping and to capping their capacity. Give them the opportunity to be creative, support them as much as possible and provide support when they need it.

Do not forget to let them know that you trust them. If you show them this and make them aware that the whole activity of the company depends on each of them, the probability that their results will exceed your expectations is very high.

Sets small targets to carry out the big ones. If the budget does not allow you to give him a financial bonus for his achievements, write at least one email or call him to a discussion where you can congratulate him for his achievements.

Explain to them what is the long-term goal of the company and what is their purpose in the organization. The more he understands his role, the more motivated and more effective he will be.

Be transparent!

Be open to your employees, make them aware of important management decisions, let them see the overall picture of the company’s goals and answer honestly to questions.

Find out what their ideals are and invest in their professional growth. Listen to their ideas and make sure your door is open whenever they need advice or want to come up with a suggestion.

Make sure that the work atmosphere is pleasant, positive, and that people come to the office with pleasure. Organize occasional dining or theater excursions with the team, organize team-building to have the opportunity to get to know each other better and relax.

If you manage to do at least some of these things, you will form a united team, ready to support the company’s goals in any situation.



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