The Government approved on Friday, 9 November 2018, the Emergency Ordinance amending a number of provisions of the Labor Code, i. e. the minimum wage differentiated according to studies. Although the exact date of the measure is not yet in place, the two proposed deadlines: December 1, 2018, or January 1, 2019, are just at a clock beat.
Thus, the minimum basic wage would be 2080 lei, and for the employees with higher education or older than 15 years of 2,350 lei. The essential condition, however, for those with higher education is to work in the field in which they have completed their studies.
In its current form, the Labor Code sets a minimum wage, but does not distinguish between the minimum basic salary for employees with higher education and those without higher education. After the amendment of the Labor Code, a Government Decision will be issued for the entry into force of this measure.